Muso Shinden Ryu is a branch of the discipline iaido which can be traced back to the originator of iaido, a samurai named Hayashizaki Jinsuke Minamoto no Shigenobu, in some traditions known as Hojo Jinsuke Shigenobu. This unique school of swordsmanship (iai) which grew out of the day to day life of the samurai during the Edo period, was preserved in an unbroken line of headmasters through the centuries. It was codified by Master Nakayama Hakudo (1869 - 1958), and taught worldwide by Takeshi Mitsuzuka Sensei and others.
Muso Shinden Ryu have divided the curriculum to several sections.
Shoden (Entry level)
The word "Shoden" can be translated as the "entry-transmission", and was derived from the Omori-ryu iaido. Omori Ryu was said to have been created by Hayashi Rokudayu Morimasa, the ninth headmaster of the Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu, who lived from 1661 until 1732. It has been included in the Muso Shinden Ryu at the entry level, and contains the following techniques (names and ordering can vary between different branches of the ryu):
Shohatto (Shohatsuto) (First)
Sato (Hidarito) (Left)
Uto (Migito) (Right)
Atarito (Back)
Inyoshintai (Yaegaki)
Ryuto (Ukenagasi)
Junto (Kaishaku)
Gyakuto (Tukekomi or Oikiri)
Seichuto (Tukikage)
Koranto (Oikaze) (Chasing the Tiger)
Gyakute Inyoshintai (Inyoshintai kaewaza, Hizakakoi)
Nukiuchi (Batto)
Chuden (Middle level)
The word "Chuden" can be translated as the "middle-transmission", and was derived from the Hasegawa Eishin Ryu iaido. Originally created in the seventeenth century by Hasegawa Chikaranosuke Eishin (Hidenobu), who was the seventh undisputed headmaster of the Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. Hasegawa Eishin Ryu has been included in the Muso Shinden Ryu at the middle level. It contains the following techniques:
Yokogumo - cloud bank
Tora issoku - tiger's step
Inazuma - lightning
Ukigumo - floating cloud
Yamaoroshi - wind down from the mountain
Iwanami - wave hitting rocks
Namigaeshi - wave turn
Urokogaeshi - dragon turn
Takiotoshi - waterfall
Nukiuchi - draw/cut (Sudden Cut or Joi-uti)
Okuden (Higher level)
The word "Okuden" can be translated as the "inner-transmission". Nakayama's oku-iai is divided into two groups, suwari-waza, and tachi-waza; sitting and standing techniques:
Suwari-waza (seated forms)
Kasumi (Mist)
Sunekakoi (Knee Covering)
Shihogiri (Attacking the Four Sides)
Torabashiri (Tiger Run)
Tachi-waza (standing forms)
Somakuri (Continuous Attack)
Sodome (Attack One After Another)
Shinobu (Secret Attack)
Yukichigai (Receive and redirect the opponent's attack)
Sodesuri-gaeshi (Pushing Through the Crowd)
Mon-iri (Entering Through the Gate)
Kabezoi (By the Wall)
Itomagoi 1 (Farewell 1)
Itomagoi 2 (Farewell 2)
Itomagoi 3 (Farewell 3)